Wednesday, October 2, 2013

From Morgan, our Room 2 Room Parent

Hello Room 2 Parents!

I am happy to serve the students and parents of Mr. Melling's class as the room parent this year.  As we start to move forward into the school year, I wanted to let everyone know about upcoming ways to help out.

Can you spare 10-15 minutes after school? You and your kindergartener can clean the desks in the classroom. Its a very quick task that can be tied in with sharpening pencils or other small jobs for Mr. Melling. We'd like to see this happen weekly or at least biweekly on Mondays (or any other day of the week). Make a note on the calendar in the classroom whenever you can do it.

Able to spend a little money to help replenish supplies? I am going to spend some time going through the kindergarten supplies over the next couple of weeks and hope to have a list of inexpensive supplies families can opt to donate to the classroom.

Over the next month or so, we will start working on our class' art auction piece. This is a single collaborative project in which every student helps complete a final piece to be sold at the annual school fundraiser on November 15. We are still working on the final idea but we may need your help securing materials and supporting the students while they work. Let me know if you have ideas, skills or an interest in this project.

Finally, the students and teacher(s) can always use assistance in the classroom and there will likely be other tasks you can help out without outside school hours. Please feel free to contact me ( with any questions, concerns or ideas about how we can make this year a success for everyone.

Thank you,

Morgan Nystrom (Max's mom)

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