Monday, March 31, 2014

But wait, there's more...

Don't forget.  Tuesday and Wednesday we will be working with permanent paints!  Make sure your child is wearing older clothes!

And keep working on those Run for the Arts sponsor sheets.  Please take a look at the rules regarding T-Shirts.

This week

Here are some highlights for the week of March 31...

I hope everyone had a delightful and restful spring break...

We will begin our art residency with Tracie Broughton on Tuesday afternoon.  It looks like we are in fine shape for volunteers on Wednesday, but could still use a volunteer or two on Tuesday (tomorrow!).  Please let me know if you can help.  We will be working downstairs in the Art-Science Room from 12:00 to 1:00.

April is a no-roundup month for kindergarten.  We will be meeting in the classroom every Friday morning.

I am sending home information about the Autism Awareness Day assembly.  At this point I am unsure whether our class will be attending due to crowding issues.

Thursday is dental / vision / hearing screening day.  We will be out of the classroom for part of the morning for this activity.

Below are some academic subjects we will be covering.

Theme for April and early May: Transportation
New letters: Jj and Ww
New words: yellow, blue, green
Final "s" on plural nouns

Measuring using non-standard measurements
April calendar

Star of the Week: Felicidad
Song: Erie Canal

Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring Break Notes

A few notes as we get ready for Spring...

1) Your child should have brought home a Run for the Arts sponsor sheet.  Run for the Arts is the main way that Chapman raises funds for artists such as Bernie Duffy, Grupo Condor, Tears of Joy Puppet Theater and Tracie Broughton (who will be doing art with our class in the spring).  Spring break is a great time to find sponsors.  I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you carefully read the rules in terms of points and T-shirts.  There is a fairly complex formula at work here.  Our run is scheduled (weather permitting) for April 10 in the afternoon.

2) Our artist in residence, Tracie Broughton, will be here Tuesday and Wednesday the 1st and 2nd and plans to work with our class from 12:00 to 1:00.  I would love to have 2-3 volunteers to help out those afternoon.  ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY STUDENTS WILL BE WORKING WITH PERMANENT PAINTS.  PLEASE WEAR NON-PRECIOUS CLOTHES.

3) Art Ball is Thursday the 24th.  I would love to have more volunteers to help during the day and after school.  Please let me know if you can help.

4) The volunteer calendar for April, May, and June is up (and very empty).  Beginning in mid-April we will be without Dana for several weeks.  During this time, I am hoping to consolidate volunteers on Tuesdays and Thursdays for Center time, (hopefully with two volunteers each day) so I can still pull reading groups in the classroom.  Please consider volunteering in late April and early May.

5) Have a wonderful break

Monday, March 17, 2014

This week in Room 2

Here are some highlights for the week of March 17

Don't forget:
Wednesday March 19 is a late opening.  Everything (bells, buses...) will run 2 hours behind schedule
Spring Break begins March 24th
Library books are due by Thursday
No Roundup in April

This week we will:
Continue working on Ee
Continue working on go, here, from
Read Abuela and hear some Irish folk tales
Do more opinion writing (would you rather be a city dog or a country dog).
Think about likenesses and differences in math
Continue to work on 2-D and 3-D shape names (I may assess these later in the week)

Our Star of the Week is Graham
Today we will sing Paddy Works on the Railroad.  I'm not sure whether that will continue through the week.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

Monday is St. Patrick's Day.  I will probably read or tell an Irish folk-tale or two.

Wearing green is wonderful.  Reminding children that they don't, under any circumstances, pinch others is even better!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Tired kids

The young scholars seemed a little more tired than usual this week -- things were definitely lively in the classroom.  My hope is that this was due to the time change, and not early adolescence.  Please help your child get lots of rest this weekend.

Also, I am still looking for the owner of the British Pound coin that appeared in our classroom on Tuesday or Wednesday.

From Ms. Jetton, our music teacher

Hello from your child's music teacher!  On Thursday, March 20, we are doing a music lesson on "Found Sound" instruments.  These are things like a stapler being used, a can of liquid being shaken, a bottle with beans stored in it, etc. They create sounds by just being what they are.  Would you please help your child find one of these "Found Sound" instruments in your home that you would be willing to have them bring to school on Thursday, March 20? We will use these in our class that day, then they will take them back home at the end of the day. Please do not send anything breakable or expensive. I look forward to seeing what the children bring in to use!  Thank you for your help.  Mrs. Jetton, Music Teacher

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Toys and interesting things...

Keep turning up in the classroom.  Please let me know if your child might have brought in a quid, and remind your child that toys and electronics stay at home.

Monday, March 10, 2014

iPad math with Ms. Ritzinger

This Week in Room 2

Here are a few highlights of the week of March 10.

We will have an assembly Wednesday with the Tears of Joy Puppet Theater.

New letters: Ee (two weeks of this challenging vowel)
New words go, here, from
Science and Literacy theme: Antarctica
Writing: More opinion writing
Math: estimating, addition, coin values
Social Studies: Map Skills

New song: The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Star of the Week: Isaiah

Don't forget...
Library books are due by Thursday
There is a late start on Wednesday, March 19
Spring Break Begins March 24
Please fill out the Chapman Survey at

Friday, March 7, 2014

Chapman Survey

Please take a moment or two to fill out the Chapman Survey at

This is an important tool that helps our Site Council understand the dynamics of Chapman.

Thank you!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Library Books Due Tomorrow

We love to see kids check out books each Thursday!

If I had $100.00

Come in and check out our 100 day writing inside the classroom.  Also look for our story problems outside the classroom.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

A fine story problem

It is so cool to be a hyoomin being...

Creating sea creature story problems

This week in kindergarten

Here are a few highlights for the week of March 3

Don't forget the Math and Science festival, Tuesday evening

New letters Gg
Words one, two, three, four, five
Book: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
More literature: Lots of Dr. Seuss
Writing: Sharing opinions
Math: Creating and solving story problems, understanding coins, probability

Science: Properties of solids -- can it roll, can it stack??
Art: Cat in the Hat

Sunny Recess on Friday

I don't think we will see a similar sight this week...