Tuesday, February 28, 2017

This week in kindergarten

First off -- I emailed this out yesterday!  If you are a parent of a child in my classroom and you did not receive this, this means that we no longer have your email.  I received notices of three failed emails yesterday!

This week is a busy week with our “Read Across America” theme days, our 100 Day celebration and our field trip to the Chapman main campus.  Read Across America week coincides with Dr. Seuss’ birthday on Thursday, and out themes this week go along with his books.

On Tuesday we will celebrate Green Eggs and Ham by wearing the color green to school.  Tuesday is our morning of Stories with Ms. Davis, Guidance with Ms. Cox, P.E. with Mr. Studt and music with Ms. Jetton.

On Wednesday we will celebrate Wacky Wednesday with clothes that are backwards, inside out or mismatched.  Wednesday morning is also an off-week small assembly.

On Thursday we will celebrate Dr. Seuss’ real birthday with the Cat in the Hat book and wearing cool hats.  Thursday, of course, is library day and share day.

Friday is a big day; Students can wear mismatched socks to celebrate Fox in Socks.  Students should bring in their 100 collections, and we will be touring different classrooms to check out every 100 collection.  Later we will board busses to go for our first visit to the Main Campus of Chapman School, and we will spend much of the day visiting the campus, enjoying some lunch and recess, and visiting with first grade and with our third grade reading buddies.

In between we will be plugging ahead with academics including more work on double digit number & coin values, the words that, are & do, and lots of writing and reading groups. 

I have started getting permission slips back for our March 16 field trip to OMSI.  Please let me know if you have not received a permission form.  We have a limited number of volunteer slots for this trip.

Thank you again to everyone who has brought food for snacks and who has volunteered in the classroom.  These needs are ongoing.

Don’t forget to check the blog often at http://mrmelling.blogspot.com/

Below are a few items from our wonderful room parent Sarah Groom.

Tuesday, March 2 - Volunteers Needed: Volunteers are needed for the vision and hearing screenings on Tuesday, March 2 from 8am to Noon. Contact Tiffany Goldwyn tiffanydmd@hotmail.com for more information. 

Tuesday, March 7 - Math & Science Night: Join us March 7th for an exciting night dedicated to adventures in math, science, and engineering. We will have the Reptile Man with his amazing creatures, engineering and building challenges, science experiments, and fun math games. It's a fantastic evening for the whole family! If you are interested (no experience necessary) in volunteering your time, please contact Mythandra Fenner at mythandrafenner@gmail.com

Wednesday March 15 - PTA Meeting - Attend the Chapman PTA General meeting starting at 6pm in the Library. Our guest, Laura Hanson, will discuss Portland Public Schools' next Capital Construction Bond. 



Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Week in Kindergarten

First off, the wonderful news...  Yesterday, they drove the last pile, so our winter of pile driving is officially over. This means we will be going to The Fields Park again every day (well, every day that it is not too wet).  The students are very excited about this!

Celebrating our return to the Fields yesterday
It has been a wild week or two, what with the Pajama Rama, report cards, preparing for today's "Connect to Kindergarten" program, and the long awaited arrival of full school weeks. As you might imagine, things have been a bit hectic; I apologize for the missed blog post last week.

Today, we will celebrate Valentine's Day. In the morning, after our "specials" we will decorate bags.  In the afternoon we will exchange cards and have a small celebration.

Over the past weeks, we have been going full steam.  I am enjoying meeting with reading groups, moving forward with our math curriculum, and beginning to work on the idea of extending our writing to add details to enhance our stories.  After our challenging winter, it is nice to get moving again.

 We have run a little low on snacks -- please think of us as you are shopping this weekend!

This weeks themes:
Theme Book: Hide Clyde
Letter study: Oo
Letters we know: Mm, Tt, Aa, Ss, Pp, Cc, Ii, Nn, Bb, Rr, Dd, Kk,Ff
New words: they, you, of
Words we know: I, am, the, little, a, to, have, is, we, my, like, he, for, me, with, she, see, look
Writing: Challenge Paper & details
Math: "Teen" numbers
Song: TBD